Returning to Resilience

~ A Journey of resilience ~ never-ending, rough, strong, clear, incredible, evolving, challenging, crazy, wonderful, perplexing, gracious, good (or not), inspiring, defeating, hope & fear & love & grief, and on and on it goes….listen to really hear; look to truly see; be still.

When I spoke of yet another transition in my life, a friend wrote “You always manage to land on your feet!” Another wrote: “Congratulations for being true to yourself.” As we enter Spring on this first day of March, I know it’s time to return to resilience, to write about that continuing journey.


Where am I now? Who am I and what is my evolving mission, vision, intention, inspiration? I often live by the words of others…all those quotes filling these pages….and remain inspired by so many sources; however, the ground of my own authenticity in daily life is supported by my willingness to keep searching, to ask the questions, to look and listen for the ways in which my life can be a benefit to this world, this present moment, going forward.

Be a lamp  ~ or a lifeboat ~ or a ladder.   Help someone’s soul heal.  ~ Rumi

A call to a journey of resilience emanates from an open spirit ~ a giving heart and a clear mind. I refuse to be limited by intolerance, exclusiveness and materialism, by the voices and choices of those who shun integrity, respect and honor.

I walk mindfully, learning throughout this journey – a journey made of hope, fear, care and concern, joy, simplicity and courage. Accept that your place in the world can be as necessary within a confined simple context, as it may be in a wider universe.

You must do the things you think you cannot do. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

We must be the change we wish to see in the world. ~ Gandhi

Why MUST we? Look there, ask the questions, and you will find your reason for being. There, within you and me, is possibility, is insight, is grace. Something dares us to accept the age-old challenge of the wise: We MUST……


It’s March 1st, a beginning. Spring is here at the beach, in sun and cool rain, in shadows and stillness and wind. I planted a tree today….for myself, for my neighbors….a gift, a life, a prayer. Resilience returns, rebounds and I embrace it.